How can socially engaged critical spatial practice act in relation and response
to urgencies of social justice, equality, contested territories and conditions of
conflict? In what ways can critical and experimental forms and environments
for learning and knowledge production transform practice?
Urgent Pedagogies is a project and space for inquiry, sharing knowledge and
experience, and consists of public events and an emerging online platform and
archive, highlighting and discussing practice and theory. It aims to serve as a
common resource for bringing together practitioners, researchers, and thinkers
from a plurality of backgrounds, contexts, and situations to be in dialogue with
and think together.
How can socially engagedcritical spatial practice actin relation and response to urgencies of socialjustice, equality, contestedterritories and conditionsof conflict? In what wayscan critical andexperimental forms andenvironments for learningand knowledge productiontransform practice?
Urgent Pedagogies is aproject and space forinquiry, sharing knowledgeand experience, andconsists of public eventsand an emerging onlineplatform and archive,highlighting anddiscussing practice andtheory. It aims to serve asa common resource forbringing togetherpractitioners, researchers,and thinkers from aplurality of backgrounds,contexts, and situationsto be in dialogue with andthink together.
The UP—Reader shares readings and events alongside announcements, interviews, conversations, and research not published on Urgent Pedagogies. The reader archive traces these ongoing dialogues for its practising and reading communities.