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Weaving Kiosk on the border at Rajalla Shopping Centre

As part of Luleå Biennial 2022, Danish, Swedish and Finnish based textile designer and PhD researcher Rosa Tolnov Clausen was invited to set up a version of her Weaving Kiosk project in Haparanda-Tornio on the border between Sweden and Finland.

A Weaving Kiosk is a mobile and temporary public space where hand-weaving tools and materials are made available for anyone to use. Together with the tools and materials, collections of weaving samples and readily designed product proposals are presented that have their base in traditional Nordic weaving techniques. The aim of the Weaving Kiosk project is to explore Nordic hand-weaving traditions and their place in and value for contemporary contexts of design and production. Eleven iterations of the Weaving Kiosk have taken place in five countries between 2017-2022.

The Weaving Kiosk in Haparanda-Tornio was set up in the shopping mall Rajalla På Gränsen that marks a kind of center which unites the two towns. The location of Haparanda-Tornio was chosen by the biennial in order to include a more peripheral part of the region of Norbotten, as well as to put focus on crafts practices’ cross-cultural and transborder nature.

In the autumn of 2022 Rosa Tolnov Clausen visited the area to prepare for the project and in December same year she came back to conduct the one-week Kiosk. During the Weaving Kiosk, Luleå Biennial 2022 commissioned filmmaker Karl-Oskar Gustafsson to direct a film around the Weaving Kiosk.

Film by Karl-Oskar Gustafsson, produced by Lulea Biennial 2022.

Weaving Kiosk on the border at Rajalla Shopping Centre is part of Urgent Pedagogies Issue#6: Earthed Imagination

Rosa Tolnov Clausen

is a textile designer and PhD researcher who works in the intersection of craft and design. She often creates physical spaces around the practice of handweaving, using craft as a catalyst for physical, social, and creative interactions.


Luleå Biennial 2022, Craft & Art:

Christina Zetterlund, Onkar Kular

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