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Towards the Third Space – influences of radical pedagogies

Curator and researcher Silvia Franceschini discusses how pedagogy, through radical thinkers and educators such as Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich, has been translated at different times in history and how this has become relevant again in today´s environmental and decolonial challenges.

She describes how these ideas and practices were picked up by architects, designers and artists in Latin America and later in a European context, where this highly influenced the post 1968 radical educational and architecture/design movements. Then, finally how these influences have emerged again today and inspired artistic and institutional practices to develop new tools for engaging in contemporary contexts and new urgencies.

These radical ideas on pedagogy have not only had an impact on education, but on all levels of knowledge production and are important now in a wider institutional critique related to the domination of Western discourses and imposing of worldmaking.

Silvia Franceschini

is a curator and researcher working across the fields of visual arts, design, and architecture. She is currently an Associate Curator at Z33 – House for Contemporary Art, Hasselt, Belgium. She has in different contexts been working with issues of pedagogy and spaces for learning and knowledge production and in her PhD thesis Toward an Ecology of Knowledges: Critical Pedagogy and Epistemic Disobedience in Contemporary Visual Art and Design Practices she explored and discussed in depth historical and contemporary theory and practice in this field. Curatorial projects include: Le Déracinement. On Diasporic Imaginations, Z33, Hasselt (2021); research program The Politics of Affinity. Experiments in Art, Education and the Social Sphere, Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella (2016–18); participation on the curatorial team of The School of Kyiv—Kyiv Biennial 2015; and the exhibition, symposium, and educational program Global Tools 1973–1975: Towards an Ecology of Design, SALT, Istanbul (2014). Silvia Franceschini is an editor of The Politics of Affinity. Experiments in Art, Education and the Social Sphere, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, 2018, and a co-author of Global Tools 1973–1975. When Education Coincides With Life, Nero Publishing, 2019.

Magnus Ericson

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